About Us

Company Profile

Front-400x255.jpgMRM Philippines operates on the principles of a boutique service. Our  crew management services are highly focused on quality and not quantity. Each crew member selected for a vessel is rigorously assessed for suitability, compatibility, competency and ability to  maintain their performance and productivity for the duration of each tour of duty on board.

Close links with the crew and officers, the care of their families, additional skills training, etc are some of the areas the company places significant emphasis  on to obtain a high degree of loyalty and dedication by seafarers to each of our company’s clients and its vessels.

MRM Philippines is managed and operated by an energetic team of professionals whose focus is on consistent quality and not quantity of service.  The company services client vessels with crew and officers for highly specialized tanker and offshore vessels. MRM Philippines was established in 1999.   It is managed and operated by an energetic team of professionals whose focus is on consistent quality and not quantity of service.  The company services client vessels with crew and officers for highly specialized tanker and offshore vessels


Benefits to you

  • MRM can take over existing crew and officers or supply new personnel. We will tailor fit each crew complement to a client’s and ship’s requirement. We will visit the ships and talk directly to existing crews and officers if a client wishes to bring them into their own employment pool. We will ensure there is a smooth change over;
  • Crew recruitment fees are highly competitive;
  • MRM can use its associate office in Kuala Lumpur to monitor and assist with crew management thus ensuring the client’s interests are fully served and protected  all the time
  • The same crew and officers can be rotated back to the same vessel so that a ship can receive the full benefit of consistent and expert performance from its crew
  • MRM can use its associate office in Kuala Lumpur to monitor and assist with crew management thus ensuring the client’s interests are fully served and protected  all the time.  MRM KL has been operating for 20 year now.


How we work

Before we consider taking a ship into our pool of vessels we first seek to understand the needs of the client and its immediate and long term needs.  MRM Philippines will carefully evaluate:

  • The trading region and nature of voyages
  • Size and type of vessels
  • Daily operational requirements
  • Client’s superintendent’s maintenance requirements
  • Client’s crewing budgets
  • Client’s on-board quality management systems including ISM system
  • Charterer’s specific requirements

Information gathered from these factors helps us formulate the right combination of crew backgrounds, skills and qualification for a vessel and its current trade.

MRM Philippines will put together a team of crew who it expects will provide the optimum performance level for each of your vessels. They will be drawn mainly from the company’s existing manning pool and newly selected but experienced seafarers who can meet the client’s criteria.

We take our responsibilities seriously.  The performance of the crew on a ship is a reflection of our own performance.  This is why we only select those whom we can depend upon.

If, for any reason, we cannot provide the appropriate manning for a vessel we will decline to accept the contract…. because results matter to MRM Philippines and more importantly, results matter to you.


Our experience

Your ships will have crew and officers supplied and managed by a company:

  • Whose management team has over 60 years’ experience in the management of crew and officers;
  • Who have been following a policy of continuous and never ending improvement to the way crew and officers are recruited, employed and managed;
  • Who use latest industry software to computerize management, rostering, accounting and reporting systems – to bring you the benefits of instant information and efficiency;
  • Who have the ability to instantaneously select well trained crew for each specific ship
  • Who will only conduct fully transparent business transactions bringing you substantial savings in manning costs;
  • Which stringently monitors crew performances onboard and works to ensure the on-board team are highly productive and efficient;
  • Which deeply understands what emergencies mean to you and has the ability to respond almost immediately to situations where seamen need to be embarked or repatriated;
  • Whose staff undergo intensive and continuous training to support the delivery of high quality seafarers and crew management services

To select better crew and officers for its clients the company also draws on the resources of its group company in Kuala Lumpur.


Your Guarantee

If a rating or officer falls short of the standards expected and is terminated from his contract within 60 days of his embarkation we will replace him with another seafarer at no cost to you. It’s our “no questions askedGuarantee to you.


Consistency of Quality

You will benefit from our rotation planning systems where a pool of officers and crew will be created for a ship specifically or in conjunction with a group of other similar vessels.

This means your ships will mostly get the same group of officers and crew returning to their allocated ship ….. bringing with them accumulated experience and capability to deliver what you want from your crew on each ship.


Responsibility – We take it on!

When we take on a vessel into our pool your crewing burdens are transferred to our shoulders. We take the responsibility. We take it on competently and completely because this is our sole focus and core competency. This means you are free to focus intensely on building and growing your  business.